Senin, 23 April 2012

Cultivating ants "Kroto"

Of the many mistakes that selalu kita do daily, there must be good

A slip in our hearts, rangrang ants are living things that sometimes are bothering us, but so many benefits to the We, the ant is a predator rangrang plant diseases, such as caterpillar now present in many perbincangkan on tv tv, and even current malignancy caterpillars is a very serious we need to understand together.
With fewer predatory caterpillar the more trivial caterpillar hairs evolved, so now we start we are aware terhadaplingkungan kita.dengan These ants cultivate conscious rangrang maybe we can slightly reduce the plant diseases in plants that we maintain, these ants can rangrang cultivated, the traditional as well as ant intensip.budidaya traditionally rangrang we can developed by moving swarm or nest of trees kepohon the other one.
in the cultivation of the ant rangrang I was obsessed when intensive rememberMy experience as a child, around a few years ago, I often rangrang and play with ants that time I entera bunch of
rangrang ants on bamboo tubes, and I taro bamboo tubes on the tree dry in the middle of the middle ponds, and oddly enough so that the bamboo tube
nests were also made by ants'', probably in the tree dikarnakan there are no leaves to be used as nest nyarang ants inside a bamboo tube it''. and I try to cultivate rangrang ants in the piece bamboo, and God bless you little by also a bit like an ant nest.
Ways of making:provide pieces of bamboo strips approximately 40 cm (as desired) 10 seeds (the moremore and more pieces of bamboo income seroto and seeds), wood boards for bamboo cutting board and board to
perch were ants, and we make a placemat to keep the bamboo in the pool, we
make in the pool so that the ants are not vague, and not be disturbed by different antjenis.nah after that we taro on board mat that we make and the taro was bamboo on the board .... and then we mindahin seed swarm of ants now now with the queen on the queen taro
bamboo, boards or our direct input into a bamboo tube to make it more
nested fast (each nest must have queen), insha Allah, the ants nyarang in bambu.jangan forget the love of food taste, the bones of animals, carcasses any kind of insects are also willing, at all times the love of sugar water because all